Time Settings


The user should specify the time step and final time of modelling before running the dynamic calculation.

The parameters are set on the Parameters tab. The time step should be selected carefully as it critically influences on the accuracy of the numerical integration and the obtained solution. For many practical calculations the maximum value of time step can be estimated by expression:


where Tmin is the smallest period of natural system oscillations and (or) interval of external variable load change. You should take into account that it is the maximal estimation and sometimes you have to choose a lot smaller step than this estimation. The maximum number of time steps in the current version is about 4*109.

Final time of modelling is specified according to the conditions of calculated study. Too many steps can lead to long calculation time and fill disk space that required to store results.


See also: Dynamic Analysis, Direct Time Integration, Mode Superposition, Dynamic Analysis Steps, Time Settings, Integration Parameters, Assigning Initial Conditions, Damping of System, Thermal Effects, Analysing Results, Example of Dynamic Analysis

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